Take Our School Climate Survey
Positive school climate is important to us as we work towards equitable outcomes for all of our students. The social and emotional health of our students is a priority for SCUSD. We need to hear from all members of our community.
California school districts are required to survey families every year for their opinion on safety and feelings of connectedness to school. For the second year, Sacramento City Unified is using a broad, district-wide survey to gather this information. The results of this anonymous survey will inform district decision-making in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the use of state funds.
The School Climate survey will remain open until April 15. At the same time, across the district, students in grades 3-12 are taking a similar survey. If you would like to review the questions in the student survey, please ask to review a copy at your school’s front office. Last year over 12,000 students took the survey and we hope to increase our numbers this year. It is important to have a large cross-section of students take the survey so we can have true impact on district decision-making and allocation of resources both at the school and the district level.
Please complete one survey per school that your student attends. The family survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.